Undergraduate Blogs | SP Jain School of Global Management

The toolkit you’ll need to excel in the real world: Insights from Aneri Upadhyay, BBA (Intake of 2020)

Written by S P Jain Blog | May 6, 2024 8:21:23 AM

Hello, everyone! I’m Aneri Upadhyay, and I am thrilled to share my journey with you. Born in Gujarat, India, and raised in Houston, Texas, for twelve years of my life provided me with a rich cultural background. I moved back to India amidst COVID-19 and longed for an experience that would blend the best of both worlds – a vibrant culture and excellent academic opportunities – when it came time to pursue my higher education. That's why I chose the SP Jain School of Global Management. Stepping out of the familiarity of my home was one of the scariest decisions I've ever made. Tears were shed, uncertainties loomed large, but little did I know that it would mark the beginning of one of the most transformative journeys of my life.


Moving to a new country, away from everything I knew, was daunting, but it ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made. At SP Jain Global, I found more than a place to earn my bachelor's degree. Through my entrepreneurship major, I discovered a community that nurtured my personal and professional growth. Even online classes left a unique mark on my college journey. From impromptu presentations to collaborative projects, every aspect of my education at SP Jain Global was designed to enhance my academic knowledge and soft skills. Impromptu presentations, for instance, have honed my communication skills and boosted my confidence. The ability to think on my feet and articulate ideas effectively is invaluable, especially as I embark on my entrepreneurial journey. Beyond communication, these presentations have taught me adaptability, quick problem-solving, and the art of persuasion – essential skills for any aspiring entrepreneur. Moreover, the emphasis on teamwork at SP Jain Global has been transformative. Collaborating with diverse peers from around the globe has broadened my perspective and taught me the importance of effective teamwork.

In entrepreneurship, working seamlessly with others and leveraging each other's strengths is key to success, and SP Jain Global has equipped me with precisely that skillset. One of the highlights of my SP Jain Global journey was securing an internship at Mumbai Fashion Week. Through personal research and networking, I landed this opportunity. The skills and confidence instilled in me by SP Jain Global truly made a difference in the effectiveness of my work. Whether it was managing stakeholders, navigating complex situations, or presenting ideas persuasively, my SP Jain Global education provided me with the toolkit I needed to excel in the real world.

Furthermore, SP Jain Global provided me with something I hadn't anticipated – a family away from home.

The friends I made during my time here quickly became like family, offering support, encouragement, and shared experiences that made the distance from home more bearable. Together, we navigated the challenges of adapting to a new culture, celebrating each other's successes, and providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times. These friendships are among the most cherished aspects of my SP Jain Global experience.

Beyond the classroom, engaging in extracurricular activities such as exploring the Blue Mountains, touring a steel factory, paintball matches, and enjoying Jervis Bay were some of the most memorable moments of my college experience. From adrenaline-fueled adventures to serene moments of relaxation, these activities enriched my college life and strengthened the bonds I shared with my friends, creating lasting memories that I will always cherish.

Reflecting on my time at SP Jain Global, I am grateful for the experiences, lessons, and friendships that have enriched my life. This journey not only pushed me academically to build a context for the business world but has also equipped me with the arsenal to set my foot straight in the corporate world. As much excitement as this journey leaves me with, I am equally excited to see where it leads me.