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The toolkit you’ll need to excel in the real world: Insights from Aneri Upadhyay, BBA (Intake of 2020)

Hello, everyone! I’m Aneri Upadhyay, and I am thrilled to share my journey with you. Born in Gujarat, India, and raised in Houston, Texas, for twelve years of my life provided me with a rich cultural background. I moved back to India amidst COVID-19 and longed for an experience that would blend the best of both worlds – a vibrant culture and excellent academic opportunities – when it came time to pursue my higher education. That's why I chose the SP Jain School of Global Management. Stepping out of the familiarity of my home was one of the scariest decisions I've ever made. Tears were shed, uncertainties loomed large, but little did I know that it would mark the beginning of one of the most transformative journeys of my life.

Topics: BBA, Undergraduate Programs, About SP Jain

Saucery's Recipe for Disrupting the Industry - Gayatri Bhatia (BBA 2014)

Meet Gayatri Bhatia (BBA 2014), the Founder of Saucery, who started her first venture at just 23 years old. Born and raised in the bustling city of Mumbai, Gayatri's rebellious spirit and love for unconventional ideas have been the driving force behind her journey.

Topics: BBA, A Jag's Life, SP Jain School of Global Management, Articles

Moving Away from the Traditional Credit Card Model - SPJ Alumni Spotlight with Joel Silverberg (BBA 2014)

Topics: BBA, Alumni, SPJAIN SCHOOL, SP Jain School of Global Management, Student Life & Experiences

Ping Pong Matches to Group Projects - Why Exchange Students Love SPJ Sydney

SP Jain’s Study Abroad Program allows students to spend a semester with partner universities across the globe, including in Canada, France, Finland, China, Spain, Netherlands, and Croatia, to name a few countries, for student exchanges. 

Topics: Exchange students - Sydney Campus

How the SP Jain brand helped Alyssa land her coveted job?

Nguyen Kieu, aka Alyssa (BBA 2018), from Vietnam reminisces about her incredible journey with SP Jain Global. From adjusting to different countries and making friends to pulling all-nighters for projects and assignment submissions, her SP Jain journey was truly one-of-a-kind. Let's find out how this experience helped her land highly-coveted internships and job placements at top companies like TESO, Flywire, Publicis Vietnam, and ClickOn.

Topics: BBA, Alumni, A Jag's Life, Academics