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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

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How an SP Jain Global curriculum set the foundation for Jialu Wu’s journey of social change


Being a social entrepreneur and a co-founder of a YouTube platform geared towards entrepreneurship certainly keeps Jialu Wu busy. However, before juggling her many hats Jialu was a student with a dream enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program at SP Jain Global.

In this inspiring one-on-one she takes a step back to reflect on her journey and how the dream of making a change took firm roots with the skills gained from her BBA curriculum. Read about it all here.



Could you tell us about yourself and your journey so far?

I recently graduated from Singapore Management University in July 2024 with a Master of Science in Management (MiM) degree. During my time there, I served as the Academic Lead on the Executive Leadership Committee (ELC), successfully orchestrating various school events, campaigns, and cohort projects. Before this, in 2017, I pursued a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree with a major in Finance at SP Jain School of Global Management and was an active member of the Global Learning & Student Life Committee.

In December 2023, my friends and I organised a charity event to visit an orphanage in Batam Island, Indonesia, during Christmas. This initiative laid the foundation for our philanthropic group ‘Xile Family’. Since its inception, we have organised over 10 charity events across more than 5 series, engaging over 200 participants in our community.

Simultaneously, my friend and I began planning the ‘Voice of Entrepreneur’ project. We conceived this idea after noticing that many students around us were uncertain about their career paths post graduation, and some aspired to start their own businesses but lacked guidance. Our goal is to create a platform and interview channel that provides insights and inspiration to students and aspiring entrepreneurs. By interviewing entrepreneurs in Singapore, we aim to share entrepreneurial ideas, stories, and values that can energise and guide those who are uncertain about their career paths or aspiring to start their own ventures.


What inspired you and your team to start Xile Family?

Firstly, our initial proposal to visit an orphanage served as the catalyst. During that journey, we were deeply touched by the children we met and realised there are many people in the world who need our help. While the immediate impact we can make might seem small, we believe in the butterfly effect – that many small acts of kindness can collectively create a significant impact and inspire others to join us. Starting with small actions and maintaining a consistent effort over time, we believe we can make a meaningful difference.

Secondly, as we approached graduation and faced crucial life decisions, we wanted to do something more meaningful and spiritually fulfilling beyond just finding a job. We had previously considered doing charity work but often postponed it due to academic and other commitments. Finally, we decided to take action and founded Xile Family during a discussion in a café with my three friends.

Lastly, the success and recognition we received from organising the orphanage trip to Batam further motivated us. The support and positive feedback from volunteers, orphanage director and the community gave us a sense of accomplishment. Observing the conditions at the orphanage, we decided to help raise funds for their infrastructure. To achieve this, we realised the need to establish a more structured organisation that could gain public recognition and create a larger impact.

In summary, the emotional impact of our orphanage visit, our desire for meaningful contribution, and the positive feedback and sense of accomplishment from our initial efforts were the key drivers that inspired us to start Xile Family.

Chinese New Year 1



How did your education and experiences at SP Jain Global contribute to your entrepreneurial journey and the founding of Xile Family?

My education and experiences at SP Jain Global played a crucial role in shaping my entrepreneurial journey and the founding of Xile Family.

Firstly, teamwork was a fundamental component of nearly every course at SP Jain Global. Group assignments and projects required each student to fulfil their responsibilities and complete tasks within deadlines, often under the guidance of a team leader. To enhance our teamwork efficiency, we created timelines and utilised tools like TeamGantt to track project progress. Working alongside talented students from diverse backgrounds provided a rich learning experience that helped me develop strong collaboration skills. This experience was invaluable in establishing Xile Family, as it allowed my friends and me to effectively communicate and divide tasks, avoiding unnecessary conflicts during the initial stages of our project.

Additionally, SP Jain Global’s leadership programs and management courses equipped me with essential skills for managing and executing our charity projects. The leadership program involved numerous business case studies and simulations, which honed my leadership abilities through practical exercises. The Global Learning & Student Life team also organised outdoor activities, events and conferences that fostered leadership skills and team spirit among students.

The BBA program at SP Jain Global covered a broad range of topics, including project management and operations management. The theoretical case studies of these management concepts have allowed me to apply practical insights to my entrepreneurial endeavours. This comprehensive education prepared me to apply leadership and management knowledge, laying the groundwork for my future entrepreneurial ventures and further enhanced my ability to manage and operate Xile Family effectively.

In summary, the teamwork experience, leadership training, and management education I received at SP Jain Global were instrumental in developing the skills and insights necessary for my entrepreneurial journey and the founding of Xile Family.


Among the projects you've organised, which one are you most proud of, and why?

One of the projects I am most proud of is the Lacquer Fan Charity Roadshow, which is a part of our Chinese culture series charity event of promoting China's intangible cultural heritage. We have organised this event several times because it has been so well-received. The Chinese culture series includes three events: the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Handcrafted series, the Calligraphy series, and the China’s Ethnic Minorities series.

During the Lacquer Fan Charity Roadshow at People’s Park Complex on Children’s Day, we had the honour of hosting Yang Gang, Minister Counselor and Consul General of the Chinese Embassy, and Wang Gang, President of the Singapore Shanxi Association. They learned about the cultural heritage behind lacquer fans and participated in their production with us. Following the event, we were warmly invited to the Chinese Embassy in Singapore to conduct a series of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage handicraft activities in celebration of China’s National Day.

This project stands out to me because of the significant recognition and support we received from the community, volunteers, and cultural enthusiasts. Being acknowledged and encouraged by such esteemed figures was incredibly rewarding and motivating. It affirmed the value of our efforts and inspired us to continue promoting and preserving our rich cultural heritage. Although the journey ahead may be long, we are committed to seeing it through to success.


What role do you see for young people in driving social change; how can they get involved?

In today's rapidly evolving world, young people have a crucial role to play in driving social change. Their fresh perspectives, boundless energy, and innovative ideas are powerful catalysts for transformation. By harnessing their unique strengths and opportunities, young people can drive meaningful and lasting change in society.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Starting or joining social enterprises and startups focused on solving social problems allows young people to apply creative solutions and drive impactful change. For example, Iseult Ward and Aoibheann O’Brien founded ‘FoodCloud’ while still in university to connect surplus food from supermarkets with charities, reducing food waste and hunger. Their innovative solution has provided over 100 million meals and inspired a global movement. Such examples show how young entrepreneurs can leverage creativity to create impactful change and address critical social challenges.


Engaging with local organisations, charities, or non-profits provides young people with a direct way to contribute to their communities. Volunteering not only addresses immediate needs but also offers valuable hands-on experience. In Singapore, platforms like Giving.sg connect young volunteers with a variety of causes, from supporting elderly care to environmental conservation. By participating in these initiatives, young people develop skills in teamwork and empathy while making a tangible difference in their communities.


Advocacy and Awareness Education
Young people can leverage social media, blogs, and community events to raise awareness about pressing social issues. By sharing compelling information and personal stories, they inspire others and spark conversations that lead to action. Platforms like Meetup enable young people to organise and join groups focused on a variety of social changes, from climate action to mental health advocacy and education reform. These gatherings foster collaboration and empower young advocates to amplify their impact and drive meaningful change.


Could you tell us about your upcoming YouTube channel, 'Voice of Entrepreneurs'?

I'm excited to share that my friends and I are launching a YouTube channel called Voice of Entrepreneurs. Our main focus is to interview aspiring and passionate entrepreneurs in Singapore from diverse backgrounds and industries. We aim to showcase the journeys of those who are starting or running their own businesses in Singapore.

Our mission is to provide our audience with valuable insights through inspirational and informative interviews. By sharing the stories of outstanding entrepreneurs, we hope to inspire those considering entrepreneurship or facing challenges in their business journey. Our content is designed to spread positive energy, promote innovative thinking, and foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among the younger generation.

Each interview will be personalised to highlight the unique life experiences and personal characteristics of the interviewee. Our questions will be tailored to bring out meaningful stories, allowing entrepreneurs to reflect on their journeys. We hope that the interviews will provide a space for reflection and self-discovery for our guests, encouraging them to look back on their past and envision their future.

Through this channel, we aim to be a guiding light for aspiring entrepreneurs, offering solace and inspiration as they navigate their entrepreneurial paths.


What are your future goals from your venture and how do you plan to achieve them?

My future goals are to continue developing my current projects while exploring new opportunities for collaboration and innovation. I aim to advance my career in Singapore's finance industry to gain valuable work experience and expand my professional network. The insights and connections I build will be instrumental in paving the way for my future entrepreneurial endeavours.

I plan to explore business opportunities globally, not just in Singapore, to diversify my ventures. Once Voice of Entrepreneurs and Xile Family are on the right track, I will consider expanding our business or pursuing business transformations to adapt to market developments.


What is your message for the upcoming batch of BBA students of SP Jain Global who aspire to be entrepreneurs? 

As you embark on your journey at SP Jain Global, remember that entrepreneurship is more than just starting a business—it's about creating value and driving change. Leverage the unique opportunities offered by SP Jain Global’s global exposure and interdisciplinary learning environment to broaden your horizons. Seek out mentors who can provide guidance and insights and immerse yourself in real-world projects to apply your skills.

Foster a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability, as the business landscape is ever evolving. Embrace technology and innovation to develop solutions that address modern challenges. Engage actively with the diverse community of students and faculty to gain new perspectives and ideas.

Cultivate resilience and perseverance; the entrepreneurial path is often challenging, but persistence will help you overcome obstacles. Remember that failures are stepping stones to success. Use them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Stay curious, question the status quo, and be open to collaboration. Build a strong network by connecting with peers and industry leaders. This network will be invaluable as you navigate your entrepreneurial journey.

Finally, remain committed to your vision and values. As future entrepreneurs, you have the power to make a positive impact on society. Aim to create sustainable and ethical businesses that contribute to the greater good.

Believe in yourself and your ability to shape the future. The world needs innovative thinkers like you who are ready to challenge norms and drive progress.



Jialu Wu (BBA, Graduate of 2021)





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