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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Everything you need to know before joining

What Were Our BBA’16 Jaguars up to This Summer?

Students from our BBA intake of 2016 are already preparing for their last year at SP Jain Sydney before they officially graduate! So, how did they spend their last summer break before they step out into the world as SP Jain graduates? We caught up with some of our students to find out.

Topics: Sydney Campus, A Jag's Life, Campuses, Jags 2016, Undergraduate Sep-16 Intake

Jaguars compete at DIAC Sports Cup – Anshula Kumar (BEC’16) shares her experience

SP Jain School of Global Management’s Jaguars competed at the annual DIAC Sports Cup held from November 11 to November 17, 2018, at Aktiv Nation in Al Quoz, Dubai. Anshula Kumar, final year Bachelor of Economics student (2016 intake) and head Sports Coordinator, recounts the week of inter-university sporting tournaments in Dubai. Here are her highlights:

Topics: A Jag's Life, Campuses, Happenings, Jags 2017, Undergraduate Sep-17 Intake, Student Life & Experiences

Ojal Mutyapwar (BBA Sep'17) shares her SP Jain Dubai Campus experience

Semester 3 is almost over and I’m sure none of us realised how it passed by with all the fun-filled activities – the Ferrari World, the Desert Safari and the Atlantis Water Park. We also participated in Spirit Week to celebrate campus pride. Dubai gave us a lot of opportunities in terms of internships and industrial visits for which I would love to thank Ms. Megna and Ms. Alison!

Topics: Dubai Campus, A Jag's Life, Campuses, Jags 2017

Promoting Campus Spirit and Creating Special Memories with SP Jain Dubai Spirit Week 2017

If we are going to talk about the memories that the students of the BBA Program created in our Dubai year, we definitely need to talk about the Spirit Week held between 24th – 31st October 2017. While planning the spirit week activities, some students were asking ‘What is this for’ or ‘What activities are we going to do?’ - questions that we always responded with ‘Just wait... it’s going to be awesome!’

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, Campuses, Student Life & Experiences

Kunal's Take on Dubai

Dubai is a city that offers a rich culture and heritage along with a perfect blend of a multi-ethnic and diverse society. After having experienced the convenience of Singapore's public transport, it was definitely an experience adjusting to the long distances and extreme weather conditions of Dubai. But looking back, I have had an amazing time in Dubai, especially because it was much more challenging academically, and we had awesome professors who made learning interesting by their sense of humor, personality, worldly wisdom and friendliness.

Topics: Campuses, Happenings, Jags 2015

Singapore Hostel Brochure

For photos, amenities and regulations, click on this link to download the brand-new brochure about S P Jain's Singapore hostel (dormitory).

Topics: Campuses

More on the Singapore Hostel

Student housing in Singapore is in the same building as the classrooms.

Topics: Campuses

Singapore Campus

Everyone agrees -- the Singapore campus totally rocks.

Topics: Campuses

Life in Singapore: The Real Scoop

One of the coolest and most unique things about SP Jain is the Singapore campus. Some students live off campus because they prefer their own space, or because they’ve found cheaper accommodation elsewhere. But if you’re okay living with other people and you can afford it, I seriously recommend living here.

Topics: Campuses

Your Professors in Singapore

Prof Golo Weber is the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs at S P Jain School of Global Management. He was one of the founding faculty members of the BBA program in 2010.

Topics: BBA, Academics, Campuses

Welcoming BBA'13 Batch to our Sydney Campus!

Sydney campus has been a-buzz with welcoming BBA 13 and our equally well-loved exchange students in a three-day orientation.

Topics: Sydney Campus, BBA, Global Leaders, A Jag's Life, Campuses