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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Embarking on a Global Undergraduate Journey with SP Jain – 12 Parents Share Their Heartfelt Messages


Transitioning to college life, far away from the comfort of home, is a difficult journey for most students. As they embark on their own, many move away from family and friends for the first time.

This year, as many new students start their global undergraduate journey with SP Jain, here are a few heartfelt messages their parents shared for them.

My dear Shagun and all other brave-hearts,

It’s not easy to get out of the nest and you have all taken a big leap of faith by getting out of your cozy homes to pursue your career aspirations. Let me tell you it’s even more difficult for your parents to let their brave-hearts step to new geographies to realise their dreams.

I’m sure you will excel and achieve your goals, but it’s also important to pause and find the time to make new and stay connected with your families and loved ones back home.

Enjoy the world-class experience at SPJ.

Wish you all the success in this new journey. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Our blessings are always with you.

- Sunil Bohra


Ansh beta,

Wishing you all the best, as you embark on this new journey of unchartered waters. It’s hard to let you go to a far off land, but we know it is for your best. Success will come running after you if you use your time in the best way possible.

You are now on your own and will have to take your own decisions in every step of your life. Remember that we trust you. Stand up for what is right and sometimes, if you make the wrong decision, always own up to it without panicking and work towards finding a solution. Life will throw many challenges at you and we are sure you will face them well and say “BRING IT ON”.

Keep trying until you succeed - give your best and leave the rest to God. Lastly, remember that Pappa and Ma love you a lot and we are always there for you. We are just a call away! Eat well, work out well, study well, have fun in what are you doing, and make us proud.

- Mr & Mrs Agarwal


Dear Sivapriya,

This is the beginning of a great, memorable, eventful and purposeful journey. Every step you take now will move you closer to your dream.

I hope that the Almighty gives you all the necessary strength and courage to support you in this new and exciting journey.

Wish you good luck!

- Usha Karra


Dear Riva,

A quote by Sudha Murthy as you start your new journey -

“Life is an exam where the syllabus is unknown and question papers are not set. Nor are there model answer papers.”

We are proud of you for what you are and the confidence you have to win the world. With each step you take, you must be extremely grounded and human. That is what will set you apart in the race for life.

Your papa, mama, Ajoba, Aji, Dhruv, and most importantly your kids, Coffee and Shifu, are with you in this journey and we will always stand by you when you face the daily battles and win the war!

- Preet Masc


Our dearest Yash,

Right from your childhood, we have seen you grow and we know that kindness dictates your strength. You have always taken care of others and helped people in their odd times. You have given us many reasons to be proud of the person you are today.

We know that you are capable of achieving anything that you put your mind to. You can never lose – you either win or learn, right? You are presented with a choice every day – whether to be kind or mean. It’s your heart that guides you to choose an answer. It will decide the fate of your life.

We can’t find the words to describe what you mean to us, but know that you are our world. We love you so much!

Mom & Dad


Dear Avindhyam,

Education is teaching our children to desire the right things. May you find the best form of education during the next few years at SP Jain.



To our anak Gian,

As you start your college life, we hope that you will embrace all the challenges that come your way. Never fear obstacles or failures - they are part of growing up.

Keep going as difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations. Always be proud of yourself and how hard you are trying in all your endeavours.

And always remember that God did not bring you this far just to abandon you.

- Papa and Mama


Dear Vanshaj,

We remember how you waved goodbye as you headed off to school for the first time. Today, we are the ones waving and leaving. It feels a bit strange, but we know you are ready for this new challenge. You are strong, intelligent, and independent. We are proud of you now and always.

We will miss you at home, but we are proud of your ambition and desire to leave and continue learning, growing, and changing as a person. You have moved from childhood to the brink of adulthood. It is an amazing journey and we are so glad to be your parents and witness these changes in you.

We know you are not a kid anymore, but we want to tell you with lots of love that when we see you next, we will be giving you a huge hug and a kiss on the forehead.

- Nirav, Deepa & Hetvi


Dear Parth,

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

This could not be more true in this exciting, possibly life-changing decision of yours! We hope that you choose true to who you are, learn to the best of your discipline, and put your best foot forward every day. It can be the best choice for you if you let it.

All the best to you and your batch mates - life is an adventure and it has begun!

- Love,
Mumma, Papa & Didi


Dear Neel,

You have started a new journey with the very reputed SP Jain School of Global Management. This will be a great opportunity for you to learn multiple aspects of multiple fields at a domestic as well as at an international level. This experience will be very helpful to your personal as well as professional growth.

Graduating from such a reputed institution will boost your confidence and help you achieve many milestones in your life.

There is no substitute for hard work. Success favours the hard worker. Make as many friends as you can and widen your perspective of life. However, remember that books are the only friends that will be with you and work for your success.

I wish you very good luck for your upcoming life-changing journey and hope that you’ll meet great people and grow together. Enjoy this journey to your fullest. This will be a lifelong experience for you to cherish. All the best!

Bhavesh Kothari


Dear Minsung,

Finally, you are starting as a college student. We hope it will be a great opportunity for you to grow as a mature person by learning a lot and experiencing various things in your life. We also hope that you always maintain good relationships with people around you. We can’t wait to see the change this experience brings to you.

Please remember that mom and dad are always supporting you. We hope that we can give you strength with this letter.

- Mom and dad


Dear Krisha,

As we look at you, we can’t help but reflect on all the years we were lucky enough to watch you grow and become the beautiful woman you are today. You captured our hearts the day you were born. You are our little girl, our princess, and our ray of sunlight, and no matter what your age, you’ll always be those things to us.

Today, as we watch you take another huge leap in your life, we are filled with pride and are confident that you would overcome all the hurdles on your way with ease as you always do.

Since you always had that quality, we were not surprised when you came up to us with the idea of pursuing this course. We knew that you could quickly learn and adapt to any situation. You were very focused from the beginning and right after your high school when you decided to make a career in this, you have worked very hard to get yourself enrolled in this stream. In addition to the sparkle we have always seen in your eyes, today we also see confidence and determination.

Like any parent even remotely concerned about the future of their kid, it was quite a big decision. But my first interaction with the University Personnel and particularly Dr Abhijit Dasgupta who assured us that once in, our daughter would be in safe hands. The most remarkable thing that we found here, and something that convinced us of this esteemed institution, was the eagerness to help and guide us take the right decision. Before the enrolment, we had few doubts in our mind, which were clarified by the Dean to our fullest satisfaction, and his assurance in particular regarding the course that “Don’t worry Mr Desai, I will personally oversee her progress” was the one that helped us to take the decision and we enrolled our daughter the very next day at SP Jain.

We would like to close this long message by saying that we will always be thankful to SP Jain and remain indebted for putting our children on the right path and teaching them to meet success in every stride of their lives.

Dear Krisha, we wish you and your batchmates all the success and all the very best. We believe the magic is in your hands. Keep striving hard to achieve your goal with full sincerity. Our blessings will always be with you.

Wishing you all the very best,

Neha and Sumit Desai



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