In the beginning of November 2018, when I applied to Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) in Bangkok, I barely had any idea of what to expect. Imagine my surprise and excitement when I got my acceptance letter the very next day! Unfortunately, my excitement left me very soon, when I realised that not only did I not have enough money for this, I didn’t have enough time to earn the $800 either. A few days later, I decided to try my luck and ask the Global Learning Team (Nathaniel and Jamal) for advice and help, and they were so glad to help me. I can’t stress enough how thankful I am for their support, help, and understanding. They were the ones who gave me the courage to take up this experience.
AWMUN was not only a place where I could meet new people and see new places - it was a place where I understood myself and my vision of this world.
The conference lasted for 4 days. I was in the International Organisation of Migration (IOM) committee, where we discussed migration due to climate change. These 4 days taught me how to express my opinions better and make a proposal to a large audience. There are so many different ways and possibilities to change the world and make it a better place to live. The issue is real – while there are diverse reasons why people migrate, the major cause today is climate change. People around the world are suffering daily from terrible disasters like floods, hurricanes and storms, trying to seek asylum in different places, and we need to find a solution soon! As a representative of my country, this was a big opportunity for me to bring the problems faced by Kyrgyzstan (my home country) to light and discuss them with my team members.
AWMUN taught me a lot - our chairs and peers became so close to me in such a short amount of time. We all had just one goal, and that’s what united us. It was also a great chance for global networking. I met so many talented people. I enjoyed sharing my life experiences with everyone. People from around the world now know about my culture and my school – isn’t this what going viral is all about?
I'm very thankful to SP Jain Global for giving me this opportunity. After I shared my experience with my peers, most of them are now excited about applying to the next AWMUN in November. I can’t wait to hear their stories!
What a life-changing experience it has been!
About the author

Meeriam Imarbekova
Meerim Imarbekova (BBA Intake of 2018) is a 19-year-old, currently pursuing her Year 1 of BBA in Singapore. She loves adventures, changes, new places and people, and believes that this is what drives her to do amazing things and become the best version of herself.
Meerim is dedicated to bringing changes to the community, with a special focus on her home country – Kyrgyzstan. Her goal is to make Kyrgyzstan a place of possibilities, a place where people live happily and build a better life for future generations.