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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

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SP Jain Global

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New Jag: Aditya (India)

I love experimenting with new things and I'm always up for a challenge. I have represented my state at table tennis. I've always believed that practical experience is better than theory and hence, I have already started and am running my own business venture.

Topics: A Jag's Life, Jags 2016

New Jag: Rohan (India)

I am a friendly and fun-loving person. Apart from my good academics, I love travelling and have been to a lot a places across the world. I’ve always been intrigued by technology. My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and I wish to open a cafe in Los Angeles. I enjoy hanging out with friends, sleeping, watching TV and swimming.

Topics: Jags 2016

New Jag: Lithin (India)

:- Hello everyone. To talk about myself, I'm a fun-loving person and I love to travel and explore. I'm really interested in technology and innovations. I aim to become an entrepreneur and start my own business in India. I'm really looking forward to meet all of my batch mates.

Topics: Jags 2016

Magic Memories: Vikash's Travels

Festivals have a timeline, memories don’t. Festivals have always been a reason for celebrations and happiness. Moments of joyous occasions giving way to nostalgic memories to be revered and enjoyed forever. I am glad to have been given an opportunity of travelling to four different cities to study across different parts of the world and to have lived the sort of life one see’s only in movies and theatres through S P Jain School of Global Management. The naïve way of looking at festivals is to see them as a ritual performed year after year for the sake of it, and the other way would be to look at them as a way to rekindle old memories and create fresh ones.

Topics: A Jag's Life

Flash Mobbin' in Singapore

Hot music starts booming at J Cube Shopping Mall in west Singapore, and everything comes to a halt. A random girl matches pace to the beat, and is quickly joined by a seemingly random young man. Then an entire group of young enthusiastic dancers seize the spotlight with trendy hip-hop, bachata and freestyle moves. It's a FLASH MOB! And it's S P Jain Jaguars rocking the house -- to the delight of Singapore shoppers.

Topics: A Jag's Life

Seeing the World at Global Village

Since coming back from winter vacation, the BBA 2014 batch spent their first student life event of the second semester at the Global Village in Dubai. Students was to meet and be briefed at the main entry gate at 5 PM. After having passed all the entry tickets, students proceeded to join the rest of the crowd entering the gate, which was an exceptional replica of the St. Basil cathedral in Russia. The students broke into different smaller groups and moved quickly to explore the different ‘corners of the world’. The park was filled not only with masses of different people from different countries, but with well-designed replicas of different national wonders and architecture celebrating the different cultures that were showcased. To mention a few, the Opera House of Sydney, the Taj Mahal of India, and the Eiffel tower of France. The park caters to all, as this tourist destination allocates big sectors for each country to hold different shop stalls.

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, A Jag's Life, Happenings, Study Abroad, Student Life & Experiences

Governing the Future - an Experiment

Have you ever realised how different we are from one another? Each individual has a different imagination and perception of how the future world is going to be. If someone had the option to form the ministries of the future, what would be considered as a department of miracles as an option? One such thought-provoking experiment was recently conducted at UTS, along with a few others from SP Jain School of Global Management, students got the opportunity to be a part of a discussion which looked at the aspects of forming a new imaginative world order and how it would look.

Topics: Sydney Campus, BBA, Study Abroad

Rafting the Wild Wadi in Dubai

To end the hectic week, the BBA cohort decided to take on a fun-filled day in Wadi Adventure. Students were so excited to enjoy their Friday this way. The buses reached Wadi Adventure late in the morning. Upon arrival, the staff of the park divided the students into three groups so the students could start the day’s activities. There were three main activities to partake in by the students— White Water Rafting, Airpark/ Swing, Wave Pool and lunch at the Surf Cafe. Each group rotated from Airpark/ Swing and White Water Rafting. Everyone joined together to have a great buffet lunch at 1:00pm. The Wave Pool, on the other hand, was available anytime of the day and was used by the students during their free slot.

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, A Jag's Life, Happenings, Student Life & Experiences

Teambuilding with Pool Rafting

The Undergraduate students in Singapore went for a pool rafting activity organised by the Global Learning Team. It was quite an excitement, as everyone was very curious to see what the afternoon had in store for them. Before the students went on for Pool Rafting, they has a small activity organised at the venue. This activity was a ball game called “captain’s ball”, where they were divided into teams of 5, and the goal was to pass the ball to the ‘captain’, without the other team being able to get the ball. After a few exciting matches, they were finally taken down to the pool where the second and most awaited activity was to happen.

Topics: BBA, Singapore Campus, A Jag's Life, Student Life & Experiences

Channel NewsAsia Invites Jags' Comments at World Review

Students from the S P Jain Undergraduate batch in Singapore were invited to participate on a panel by the Channel NewsAsia to discuss the most important global issues that happened in 2015. The event was held at the National Gallery and was called World Review 2015.

Topics: BBA, Singapore Campus, Happenings, Study Abroad, Student Life & Experiences

Dancin' the Night Away in Dubai

To celebrate the last day of lectures and the end of presentations, the BBA Batch of 2014 was invited to the S P Jain Annual Winter Ball. This year the ball was held at the Ramada Hotel in Bur Dubai. Theme for this year’s ball was ‘Casino Royale’ which meant the room was filled with gorgeous Bond girls and very dapper Mr. Bonds.

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, A Jag's Life, Happenings, Student Life & Experiences