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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

New Jag: Rahul Mehta (Mumbai, residing in Dubai)


“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” - William Shakespeare

Rahul Mehta

Name: Rahul Mehta | Hometown: Mumbai (Currently living in Dubai) | Joining: BBA September 2018

“No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history.” - William Hazlitt

Hello! My name is Rahul Mehta, I was born on the 5th of March in Mumbai, India, pretty soon after then I shifted to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where I have pretty much spent most my life. Fast forward a little bit to the time when I was in school, so I used to go to DPS, here in Dubai and for the most part, it was good but one day I decided to move to study in Ahmedabad, India. It was one of the best decisions I made. Not only did I manage to lose weight from my old unfit self, I also managed to make a couple of really good friends.

When you grow up in a place like Dubai all you really see is the glitz and glamour and you’re made to put yourself in a “comfortable position”, seeking discomfort and moving out of that zone and moving to Ahmedabad was an insightful experience because you realize the harsh reality of life.

I see myself as an Ambivert, but slightly leaning more over to the extroverted side, I love networking and meeting new people and getting out of my comfort zone to adventure into new experiences. So if you haven't guessed already, I love travelling and exploration. I'm also into reading Self-Help books to build myself up and constantly learn how I can be better.

The thing that has had the most impact in my life would be Music, especially old school Rock (Guns n Roses, AC/DC, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, etc.). I also like Art, History and English Literature. But some of my favourite pass times would be playing Video Games, Binging TV Shows, Cooking and working out at the gym.

My Life Goals are to make it big, i.e. become successful and an influential figure in modern day society. Hence, I choose to become an Entrepreneur, I would like to work for the biggest names and gain the experience to run my own company and then expand, build an empire as one would say, I would like to do something meaningful, something that solves a problem or/and advances civilization into the future. Something that stands against the tests of time and remembered in the pages of history.

Joining SP Jain is the first step to achieving my goals and for them to give me the chance, I am nothing but thankful for. I look forward to meeting new people and vastly accumulating knowledge throughout my journey. I'm proud to call myself an SP Jain Jaguar.

So that's me in the shortest form possible, you can find me on Instagram @rahulmx9 and remember always keep it real and be humble.



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