Manthan Shah (BBA Intake of 2018) is a professional athlete who captained India’s team in the International Table Tennis Championship (Pacific Games, Australia) and won 2 bronze medals in the event before he joined SP Jain. Since then, he represented the School in the Spartan Race (Malaysia, Philippines, and Singapore) and is currently the youngest Indian to do so. He also gave a talk at TEDxGateway, was a part of the Dean’s List for academic excellence, was a guest speaker at the Podcast on Climate Change with Scott Amyx (USA), participated in the outreach program in Philippines, published a research paper on Circular Economy, won three gold medals at the Fiesta Games 2019, and so much more!
A Jag's Life,
Interns Making a Difference,
Jags 2018,
Undergraduate Sept'18 Intake