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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Everything you need to know before joining

New Jag: Dang Thi Linh (Vietnam)

Hi jags, I am Linh from Vietnam and I will join SP Jain’s BBA Program in Jan 2018. I am really eager to meet you and join you in our school life in SP Jain. I love volunteering and I used to help take care of Vietnamese Heroic Mother in the town where I live. Recently, I also gave food and winter clothing to homeless people in Hanoi. These might be small things, but I am glad to have had the chance to experience and sympathize with others’ lives.

Topics: BBA, Jags 2018

Promoting Campus Spirit and Creating Special Memories with SP Jain Dubai Spirit Week 2017

If we are going to talk about the memories that the students of the BBA Program created in our Dubai year, we definitely need to talk about the Spirit Week held between 24th – 31st October 2017. While planning the spirit week activities, some students were asking ‘What is this for’ or ‘What activities are we going to do?’ - questions that we always responded with ‘Just wait... it’s going to be awesome!’

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, Campuses, Student Life & Experiences

New Jag: Jasmine Jeremy T. Paras (Laguna)

Hey folks, I am Jasmine from Laguna, Philippines and I’ll be joining SP Jain’s BBA Program in January 2018. I can't wait to start this journey with you! I am looking forward to meeting my fellow Jaguars. I am extremely passionate about Theatre, and was a member of my school’s theatre group since I was in grade school. People might classify me as a shy and quiet girl, but once you get to know me, I promise I’ll be a constant adventure buddy for you! To travel around the world has always been a dream of mine.Let's make our stay at SP Jain the best years of our lives. See you around campus!

Topics: BBA, A Jag's Life, Jags 2018

New Jag: Karel De Bauw (Brussels)

Hi fellow classmates! I am Karel from Brussels and am joining SP Jain’s BBA Program in 2018. I come from a pretty and small country called Belgium, located in the center of Europe – a country where people speak Dutch, French, or German. I adore living abroad, meeting people, and learning about their culture and habits. I lived in Taiwan during the past year, where I studied Chinese a language which I still practice. I am also passionate about food and cooking; Asian food, in particularly, satisfies me a lot! I have been a Scout since I was six years old where I became a leader. Furthermore, I am an aviation enthusiast and I enjoy hiking. I enjoy the occasional Television series on a cosy, rainy day.

Topics: BBA, Jags 2018

New Jag: Duong Quynh Vy (Vietnam)

Hello jaguars! I am Duong Quynh Vy from Vietnam and am joining SP Jain’s BBA Program in 2018! I am excited about my journey with all of you, adapting to new environments while studying abroad.
I enjoy volunteering and have been involved with the Earth Hours Campaign and have engaged with many orphanages while I was in Vietnam. While it is often very tiring, these experiences have helped me become who I am today.

Topics: BBA, Jags 2018, SP Jain's New Jags

From an Umpire to a Franchise Owner – The Story of Krish Chhatwal

Being a BBA Finance Student from SP Jain School of Global Management, I was always curious to find new opportunities in my surroundings. It is always logical to use theoretical knowledge to best practice when you are out there in the business world.

Topics: BBA, Alumni

BBA Dean's List Announcement!

Well done to all students who qualified for the Dean’s list – you should be very proud of your achievements as we are very proud of you.Wishing you all the best for the future.

Topics: BBA, Academics

Your Professors in Singapore

Prof Golo Weber is the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs at S P Jain School of Global Management. He was one of the founding faculty members of the BBA program in 2010.

Topics: BBA, Academics, Campuses

Seeing the World at Global Village

Since coming back from winter vacation, the BBA 2014 batch spent their first student life event of the second semester at the Global Village in Dubai. Students was to meet and be briefed at the main entry gate at 5 PM. After having passed all the entry tickets, students proceeded to join the rest of the crowd entering the gate, which was an exceptional replica of the St. Basil cathedral in Russia. The students broke into different smaller groups and moved quickly to explore the different ‘corners of the world’. The park was filled not only with masses of different people from different countries, but with well-designed replicas of different national wonders and architecture celebrating the different cultures that were showcased. To mention a few, the Opera House of Sydney, the Taj Mahal of India, and the Eiffel tower of France. The park caters to all, as this tourist destination allocates big sectors for each country to hold different shop stalls.

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, A Jag's Life, Happenings, Study Abroad, Student Life & Experiences

Governing the Future - an Experiment

Have you ever realised how different we are from one another? Each individual has a different imagination and perception of how the future world is going to be. If someone had the option to form the ministries of the future, what would be considered as a department of miracles as an option? One such thought-provoking experiment was recently conducted at UTS, along with a few others from SP Jain School of Global Management, students got the opportunity to be a part of a discussion which looked at the aspects of forming a new imaginative world order and how it would look.

Topics: Sydney Campus, BBA, Study Abroad

Rafting the Wild Wadi in Dubai

To end the hectic week, the BBA cohort decided to take on a fun-filled day in Wadi Adventure. Students were so excited to enjoy their Friday this way. The buses reached Wadi Adventure late in the morning. Upon arrival, the staff of the park divided the students into three groups so the students could start the day’s activities. There were three main activities to partake in by the students— White Water Rafting, Airpark/ Swing, Wave Pool and lunch at the Surf Cafe. Each group rotated from Airpark/ Swing and White Water Rafting. Everyone joined together to have a great buffet lunch at 1:00pm. The Wave Pool, on the other hand, was available anytime of the day and was used by the students during their free slot.

Topics: BBA, Dubai Campus, A Jag's Life, Happenings, Student Life & Experiences