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Adventure! SP Jain Jaguars

Everything you need to know before joining

Saucery's Recipe for Disrupting the Industry - Gayatri Bhatia (BBA 2014)

Meet Gayatri Bhatia (BBA 2014), the Founder of Saucery, who started her first venture at just 23 years old. Born and raised in the bustling city of Mumbai, Gayatri's rebellious spirit and love for unconventional ideas have been the driving force behind her journey.

Topics: BBA, A Jag's Life, SP Jain School of Global Management, Articles

Embracing Diversity and Global Learning with SP Jain Global - Mehrangez Rajabova’s (BBA 2023) Tri-city Experience

Mehrangez Rajabova (BBA 2023), affectionately known as Mera, hails from Tajikistan. Motivated by a profound passion for business and management, Mehrangez embarked on her journey with SP Jain Global's BBA program. Join us as she unveils her enriching tri-city experience, immersing herself in a diverse cohort, embracing various cultures, and learning from globally acclaimed faculty members.

Topics: Jags 2019, SP Jain School of Global Management, class of 2023

How BDS Shaped My Data Science Career - Priyanka Vishnu's SP Jain Journey

In 2019, Priyanka Vishnu, a young data science enthusiast from Chennai, started her Bachelor of Data Science journey with SP Jain. Today, she resides in Sydney and is pursuing a thriving career as an Operation Analyst with Uber Australia, one of the world's most prestigious and sought-after companies. 


How did Priyanka land a role with Uber Australia? How did her BDS journey help her in this venture? Let's find out. 


Topics: Bachelor of Data Science, A Jag's Life, SP Jain School of Global Management, SPJ Class of 2022, SPJ Grad Careers

How BDS helped me gain the right skillset that the market requires

Formerly a PCM student from Mumbai, Shubh Mehta (BDS 2021) had secured 98.9 percentile in JEE. Though he had no prior coding experience before joining SP Jain, he pursued BDS for its competitive and advanced syllabus, as he wanted to do a course that combines both business and computers. Shubh recently interned at UPilot, a US-based organisation. So, we caught up with him to know his experience with the role. 


Topics: Bachelor of Data Science, A Jag's Life, SP Jain School of Global Management, SPJ Grad Careers, SPJ Class of 2021, BDS Internship

Moving Away from the Traditional Credit Card Model - SPJ Alumni Spotlight with Joel Silverberg (BBA 2014)

Topics: BBA, Alumni, SPJAIN SCHOOL, SP Jain School of Global Management, Student Life & Experiences

Turning A Highly Coveted Internship into A Full-Time Role at Amazon - Tushar Sonthalia’s (BDS 2022) Inspiring Story

Earlier this year, Tushar Sonthalia bagged an internship that made heads turn. The 20-year-old Bachelor of Data Science graduate from SP Jain recently secured a Data Science internship at Amazon where he worked closely with some of the brightest minds in the industry. And now, after acing his 6-month internship, Tushar has converted this opportunity into a full-time role at Amazon as a Business Analyst.

How did Tushar successfully convert his internship, and what is he looking forward to from this new role at Amazon? Let’s find out.

Topics: Bachelor of Data Science, A Jag's Life, Jags 2018, SP Jain School of Global Management, SPJ Class of 2022, SPJ Grad Careers

A Dean’s Lister for Six Semesters, Anushka Rakesh’s, Phenomenal BBA (2022) Transformation

A traveller by passion, I decided to opt for SP Jain’s tri-city model of the Bachelors of Business Administration (2022) program. I had one clear goal in mind; I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and become more confident.

Topics: A Jag's Life, Jags 2018, SP Jain School of Global Management, SPJ Class of 2022

A 19-year-old Entrepreneur Carves Her Way for a Better Society - Sanskruti Dhawley’s Phenomenal Story

Even as the pandemic took a mental toll on us, a strong-headed Sanskruti didn’t let it deter her aspirations to create sustainability and change for society.

19-year-old Sanskruti Dhawley (BBA intake of 2020) founded Synergia with an aim to spread health resilience amidst COVID-19 and build strong mental and physical health through Yoga and Meditation. A Dean-lister student and a Yoga entrepreneur, she is also the Project Head at UPAY’s Campaign Manzil.

Topics: SP Jain School of Global Management, Jag 2020

Creating Useful Sustainable Resources for Society - Bhavish Adwani’s Noteworthy Contribution

The desire to live a sustainable and conscious life originated from within around the time when I was in sixth grade. Since then, I’ve been a proponent of sustainability and have had the opportunity to study more about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). When I was voted president of my high school student council in Grade 11, I was inspired to give back to society. As one of my first initiatives, I began humanitarian work with the hopes of having a good impact on society and mankind.

Topics: Jags 2018, SP Jain School of Global Management, SPJ Class of 2022

New Jag: Shiksha Rambhursy (Mauritius)

Hello dear Jags, I’m Shiksha from Mauritius. I’m 18 years old and as you all know at this phase of life we tend to be super enthusiastic to face the new experiences awaiting us in life. This is the reason why I’m very keen to meet you all and indulge in the journey of the tri-city model offered by SP Jain. It is indeed a great privilege for me to get this opportunity of travelling the 3 countries and undergo this global exposure of the emerging international markets.

Topics: A Jag's Life, Jags 2018, Undergraduate Sept'18 Intake, SP Jain School of Global Management

New Jag: Keagan Kurien (UAE)

Hi, my fellow Jags! I am Keagan Kurien, nicknamed by my close buddies as Keagz. I am from India but have grown up and lived in Dubai for the most part of my life.

Topics: A Jag's Life, Jags 2018, Undergraduate Sept'18 Intake, SP Jain School of Global Management